Pink Grapefruit Marmalade

No matter how much marmalade I make in January with Seville oranges it always seems to run out towards the end of the year.  In order to keep being able to offer home made perserves at breakfast I end up making a second batch of pink grapefruit marmalade.  I do have to thank Nigella for this one, its delicious.

Place a saucer in the freezer to test for the set after making the marmalade

Put 2 large pink grapefruit in a large saucepan and cover well with water, bring to the boil and simmer for 1 to 2 hours until they are very soft – add more hot water if you need to.

Drain, and halve the fruit, squeeze to extract the pulp (removing any pips).  Then thinly slice and chop the skin.  Put into a large pan with 1 kg of preserving sugar and the juice of two lemons.  Let the sugar disolve over a gentle heat, bring to the boil and setting point should be reached in 10 to 15 minutes.  Test this on the plate in the grapefruit marmalade

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